WE OPEN & CLEAN HOT TUBS & POOLS Text or call 7743050888
WE OPEN & CLEAN HOT TUBS & POOLS Text or call 7743050888
With over 20 years of experience in all phases of hot tub & swimming pool repair you can feel confident that your pool or hot tub is in good hands.
In 1998 Mike started out as a swimming pool installer / laborer, for a swimming pool and spa company out of East Falmouth, MA ( CAPE COD, MA) then started to go out on hot tub deliveries, and warranty service calls. He would just be given the replacement parts and was told to replace them. Well that wasn't enough for Mike! He wanted to understand how the equipment worked and why it broke, how to diagnose these issues etc. The common reply was usually " well right now we are busy" let's just get it done.
After a while the company saw something in Mike! He actually wanted to learn how a hot tub worked as well as swimming pool equipment but Mike's passion was really the Hot Tubs. This was exciting. At the time we were dealing mostly with Coast Spas out of Canada and they had TV'S, STEREOS and the latest bells and whistles. This was exciting!
The company listened and sent Mike and 2 other guys to a hot tub training seminar in New York City where he was first introduced to all types of buttons and controls. ( They have come along way in 20 years, I'll add) . This was just an introduction to the technical side of the industry and quickly became an obsession for Mike.
About 3 years later, life happened and Mike moved to the South Shore of Massachusetts and took employment with another company whom was doing allot of the same work but there was no real training involved. 2 years later Mike took a layoff in the winter months and enrolled in A 6 month full time course at BAYSTATE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Canton MA, in Appliance repair, basic electricity, domestic refrigeration and Air conditioning repair. Mike graduated Top of his class and obtained a graduate degree, a universal appliance repair certificate from the state of MA as well as his universal refrigerant recovery certificate the first time he took the test. After school Mike went to work for a hot tub repair company who did just that. Repaired hot tubs and swimming pool equipment only. Mike was home and has the skills and the knowledge to fix any hot tub on the ground today. Mike also specializes in finding your hard to find speciality parts and has quite a long list of go to companies if he needs help with any issue the hot tub industry may put in his way.
In 2008 Mike went back to his roots for full time employment for awhile but stayed in the hot tub and swimming pool industry repairing hot tubs and swimming pool on the side and for manufacturers. In 2008 any job was a good job in America.
In 2015 Mike had his first hot tub business website built. www.aquatictechnologies.us Business took off immediately full time repairing 3 to 5 hot tubs per day non stop and continues to flourish and grow. The industries technology has changed allot but the anatomy of a hot tub cannot change to much without changing what a hot tub is.
By popular demand Aquatic Technologies Inc. Has become a leader in the industry and also in the Jetted Bathtub repair industry in the area.
" I never thought I'd be here "Mike says, I love what I do"
2 years ago Aquatic Technologies Inc. Became a Strong Spas Dealer and are very proud to be selling and repairing such quality hot tubs for a fantastic manufacturer and company. They really treat there customers well and demand that their dealers do the same. It's been quite an experience and it's time to grow.
Aquatic Technologies Inc. Is also a warranty service provider in and outside of our service area for big box stores such as Costco, Amazon, BJ's, Dreamaker spas, Beach Comber Hot Tubs and more.
Our mission is to provide you with the best service in the industry.
Red cedar hot tub
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